When I was in high school I could not
wait to graduate. I was counting down the seconds until I could get out of that
place! Things were so hard and I could not see how life was ever going to be
okay again. People told me over and over that high school didn’t matter, that all
those mean kids would fade into the background and in just a few years I would not even remember their names. Of course in high school you don't believe anything adults tell you so I waved off their insensitivities to my hurts that I would most certainly remember for as long as I lived!
Well guess what? All those crazy adults were completely right. The moment I began college everything from high school seemed so meaningless and silly. I could not believe I wasted so much time and energy being so upset about those kids (what were their names again?)
Well here I am again, all upset about things and feeling like life just won't ever be the same. Feeling like the hurts I have right now won't ever be healed, the pain will never dim, and maybe everything good to look forward to in life is over.
So I
thought I would channel the future and have a much more adult me write myself a letter...
Ten years have passed since you
graduated college and your thirty-third birthday was much like your
twenty-third. I know you are scared to go out in the "real" world
right now. The transition will be a little bit rough at times, but you end up
making it through just fine I promise!
Wait just a year and things will be so
different. You'll look back on this time and smile at all the fears you had.
Just hang on a little longer - good things are so, so close! You are right on
the edge just about to tip over a hill on the wonderful roller coaster that is
your life.Those college days were awesome but they are nowhere near the best days of your life.
All those hurts you have right now? You
don't even remember the details anymore. It’s all faded into the background. Save all those tears kiddo because in just a
few years none of that matters. Trust me on this one! You have friends that are true and loyal, with
you through thick and thin.
Let go of all that guilt. Practice
loving yourself a little more. Pick better people to hang out with. Don't settle but work on contentment. Don't spend so much time worrying about the future - you are happy, trust me! I cannot even tell you all the great things in your life because you just wouldn't believe me! ;)
Chin up little fighter, adventure is coming your way!!
Do not ever fear about becoming an old maid.
He is here and he. is. wonderful. ;)
Do not ever fear about becoming an old maid.
He is here and he. is. wonderful. ;)