Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Top 10 Reasons I Cannot Commit to Adulthood

While you are in college you can still pretend to be a kid. By some you are not considered fully "adult" yet. You are still in that transition stage and allowed to be mischievous, make stupid mistakes and get into some trouble. But after graduation? BAM! It's over! You are an adult! Absolutely no more excuses. There is just no other way to look at it.

But some of us...although considered adults, may have some less-than adult tendencies. I have compiled a list of adultish things that adults do. These are the Top 10 reasons why I just can't COMMIT to being fully an adult yet. 


10. Don't order chicken fingers at every restaurant.
      But they are so good! And who wants weird things I can't pronounce?? “Filet Mignon?!” No thank you! I want chicken fingers and I want to eat them with my hands.

9. Take showers in the morning. Every morning.
      I just can't commit to this. Plain and simple. 

8. They don't count chips and guacamole as dinner
     Making guacamole is quite a task and after completing it, I definitely don't want to begin cooking an entire meal. It's too much effort to simply be a "snack" or a "side dish." Plus, I always eat so many chips that I really am full afterwards so I think this should count as an adequate, adult dinner.

7. They "have lunch" together
      Blah. I don't want to "have lunch" with my friends. LAME! I want to hang out! Let's go to my house and make no-bake cookies and then give ourselves pedicures in my living room while we watch Disney movies. Much more fun.

6.They don't wear abnormally large bows.
      Occasionally I'll see adults with small discrete "professional" bows, but bows larger than your foot? No way. The problem is I have bows that match every outfit but they look kind of like this:

Outfits just aren't complete without them.

5.They love all babies
    I really love children, I do. I LOVE kids from about ages 1 1/2 and up. But under that? Ug. They are just so blah. No conversation. I know it's different when it's my own kid, but adults just seem to love all babies. And they don't mind their spit up. Or their poop. Or their drool.      Yuk.

4.They don't have days of the week underwear
     How could any adult possibly keep track of the days if it's not on their underwear?! oh...right...they sit at desks with calendars. LAME.

3. They don't sleep with stuffed animals/blankies, etc.
    I blame Toy Story, really. I just can't convince myself that everything in my room doesn't have feelings and personalities.

2. They aren't scared of storms
       I try to be brave, really I do. But when thunder comes rollin in, you can count on me to be under my blankets crying.

And....drum roll.....

The #1 Reason I cannot commit to adulthood is...

1. Adults don't have disney princess posters, stickers, night lights, comforters or pillows. 
    And I am just not going to give that up.

(This isn't my actual room but it's not a far stretch!)

So, you may call me an adult and I'll answer. I'll have lunch with you, laugh at thunderstorms and create dinners with three courses. But deep down inside, I'll never grow up!